Starting February 2017 dealers and their sales staff will be able to contact Phase One Marketing to schedule your training session,whether in team sessions or One on One we'll cater to your needs. Our dedicated Product Training Coordinator's sole responsibility is to train your staff on selling techniques as well as key technical points.
Please complete the contact form below to arrange your training session.
Our Mission
When a sales organization has an opportunity to get their customers together in one place, they desperately want to give you "product knowledge". This could be a good idea, but it's often presented in a way that makes it more likely that the salesperson will sell your product for a short period of time after that session,it won't be a long lasting effect.
Most especially when plenty of the time is spent bashing the competition on their product is better then ours,this is not product knowledge or better yet "how to sell' product. This is unprofessional,mention of any competitor is not what this time spent is all about,it's ALL about how to sell our product,period.
After our specialized technical/sales training is completed I can assure you that there will be words,stories,sentences forever left in their minds about this one session.
About You
If you treat the people that work within your four walls as if they are a transaction, they will certainly follow suit. They will treat your clients as if they are transacting, and they will treat each other as transactions,get the picture!
If you infuse their experience with meaning and purpose,which we all know is very difficult to do but can be done simply by instilling some positive influence, then they will treat the work they do for your clients as if their work is meaningful,purposeful,gratifying and best of all rewarding.
If you treat the people that work for you or with you as if money is what is most important, then you can expect them to treat everything as if money is what is at issue. If you treat people as if they are a line on your expense report, then they will work like all they are is a line on your expense report. But if you treat them like the single most important asset you have for producing results (and they are), then they will respond accordingly, giving you their best performance,thesis human nature at it's best.
People aren’t transactions. Money isn’t the greatest value a business can create.
If you build a transactional culture, that transactional culture will impact every aspect of your business, including your client relationships. If you want to avoid being transactional, start first inside your own organization.
Product knowledge training normally begins with teaching the salesforce about the new features, the things that make it better than the last version. This worked well for some who had a line up of new and sexy products in a market anxiously waiting to beat down the doors to buy them. But for most sales organization, there is no one clamoring to make a purchase,we're still waiting of that next big thing.
Features and Benefits
The problem with features is that they are sexy. It’s what makes our product perform better,when you lead with them, you are teaching the sales force to lead with them. This is what sticks but this can only last so ,ing before it becomes stale.
As new specs and features are being shared, product knowledge training moves to benefits. What’s the point of features with no benefits? So with each feature, the salesperson is given a list of all of the new performance benefits their customer or client can expect.
But all of this is backwards, and it needs to be through a different lens, a different context. That context is customer problems and outcomes.
Start with Problems and Outcomes
Instead of starting with the product, the features, or the benefits, product knowledge training should begin with a description of the customer’s problems or challenges. It should begin by describing what the customer needs to do now and why they are struggling to do it. Opportunities are only created when a client recognizes a need. Our product knowledge training begins by teaching them how to develop the problem and the need,similar to Marketing 101,Wants and Needs.
Once you teach the sales force how to recognize the gap and help their client recognize it, you can teach them the features and benefits that they can apply to that problem. This is how you make product knowledge training effective.
Please complete the contact form below to arrange your training session.
Our Mission
When a sales organization has an opportunity to get their customers together in one place, they desperately want to give you "product knowledge". This could be a good idea, but it's often presented in a way that makes it more likely that the salesperson will sell your product for a short period of time after that session,it won't be a long lasting effect.
Most especially when plenty of the time is spent bashing the competition on their product is better then ours,this is not product knowledge or better yet "how to sell' product. This is unprofessional,mention of any competitor is not what this time spent is all about,it's ALL about how to sell our product,period.
After our specialized technical/sales training is completed I can assure you that there will be words,stories,sentences forever left in their minds about this one session.
About You
If you treat the people that work within your four walls as if they are a transaction, they will certainly follow suit. They will treat your clients as if they are transacting, and they will treat each other as transactions,get the picture!
If you infuse their experience with meaning and purpose,which we all know is very difficult to do but can be done simply by instilling some positive influence, then they will treat the work they do for your clients as if their work is meaningful,purposeful,gratifying and best of all rewarding.
If you treat the people that work for you or with you as if money is what is most important, then you can expect them to treat everything as if money is what is at issue. If you treat people as if they are a line on your expense report, then they will work like all they are is a line on your expense report. But if you treat them like the single most important asset you have for producing results (and they are), then they will respond accordingly, giving you their best performance,thesis human nature at it's best.
People aren’t transactions. Money isn’t the greatest value a business can create.
If you build a transactional culture, that transactional culture will impact every aspect of your business, including your client relationships. If you want to avoid being transactional, start first inside your own organization.
Product knowledge training normally begins with teaching the salesforce about the new features, the things that make it better than the last version. This worked well for some who had a line up of new and sexy products in a market anxiously waiting to beat down the doors to buy them. But for most sales organization, there is no one clamoring to make a purchase,we're still waiting of that next big thing.
Features and Benefits
The problem with features is that they are sexy. It’s what makes our product perform better,when you lead with them, you are teaching the sales force to lead with them. This is what sticks but this can only last so ,ing before it becomes stale.
As new specs and features are being shared, product knowledge training moves to benefits. What’s the point of features with no benefits? So with each feature, the salesperson is given a list of all of the new performance benefits their customer or client can expect.
But all of this is backwards, and it needs to be through a different lens, a different context. That context is customer problems and outcomes.
Start with Problems and Outcomes
Instead of starting with the product, the features, or the benefits, product knowledge training should begin with a description of the customer’s problems or challenges. It should begin by describing what the customer needs to do now and why they are struggling to do it. Opportunities are only created when a client recognizes a need. Our product knowledge training begins by teaching them how to develop the problem and the need,similar to Marketing 101,Wants and Needs.
Once you teach the sales force how to recognize the gap and help their client recognize it, you can teach them the features and benefits that they can apply to that problem. This is how you make product knowledge training effective.